Thread: POP QUIZ
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Old 07-02-2006, 10:08 PM
Mathieu Mathieu is offline
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Default Re: POP QUIZ

1. What is the pro's most likely hand?

Jx with X not that high. maybe 88, or A7. With 2 fishies in there he will be more straight forward. I don't think he is check raising that flop very often with a hand that was strong enough to bet. He probably wanted to get a better idea of where he was at before committing chips. He figured you had something (pair or draw) but, still had a wide range given that the two fishies are passive.

2. Given the nature of the pro's hand what is my best strategy on the flop+turn?

Since the pro's hand is often marginal in this spot and does not welcome action, you should use your Fold Equity.

So it's time to semibluff. Make your move on the flop and bet the turn if you think it will be more credible, otherwise call flop and raise most turn cards.

I say raise all overs, and all cards that improve your hand. Don't raise the J pairing.

I guess we can use similar standards for betting the turn after raising the flop.

One more thing, with the two fishies in the game, he should be less willing to get involved with you and run you down with a marginal hand. Especially if your image is good.
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