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Old 07-02-2006, 01:22 AM
KittyKat KittyKat is offline
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Posts: 351
Default Trip report - playing with my new puppy (w/ pics)

I just got a Landseer Newfoundland. He's 8 weeks old, 20 pounds, and named Bosco! Between poker and goofing off tonight, I take him out of his cage to play with him. (He can't be loose yet because he's not housebroken)

First, he hates being locked up. He cries and barks and cries again whenever he is. Poor little sad puppy.

So I take him out, and play with him! He likes to roam around the house and check things out. We have lots and lots of toys, and when he's not chewing on my jeans or my hair, he likes to play with those.

He also likes to play with the other dogs. He follows the big one, Dusty, all around the house. If I want Bosco to come, I call Dusty and Bosco will come running after. Earlier, he attacked Dusty's tail and freaked him out. I about died laughing.

And finally, playing with him wears him out, so then it's time for a puppy nap.

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