Thread: POP QUIZ
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Old 07-01-2006, 02:46 PM
BostonMetro BostonMetro is offline
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Default Re: POP QUIZ

It seems like there is a conflict between suggesting he wouldn't check-raise a pair of jacks, but that he would check-raise a pair of sevens. That is, if he doesn't expect later position players to bet with weak hands to try and pick up the pot, why would he check-raise with Q7 in a small pot? And if he does expect them to do this, why wouldn't he check, intending to raise here with J2o?

In a limped pot, it seems like the reverse-implied pot odds with top pair of jacks here are terrible. If he leads and everyone calls and any K, Q, A, 7, 3, spade comes off he's in trouble. I don't think he's giving up that much by attempting a check-raise here.

This isn't really to criticize Miles' post, just suggesting that it may be more likely that it is spewing to get really aggressive here when you might be drawing at 35% vs. top pair.
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