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Old 09-20-2005, 03:57 AM
ajmargarine ajmargarine is offline
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Default Re: How\'s your SSNLHE?: TT


Answers are rated on a scale of 0-10. 0 being Donkorific. 10 being Kongo Totte-like excellence. Rating in parenthesis.

Question # 1 --

(7) Check- Reasonable. Play for set value, if overcards hit though, you're most likely done with the hand.
(0) Raise to $2- Call 1-800-DONKBUSTERS, get yourself some help.
(2) Raise to $7- Light on the 4xBB + 1BB per limper scale, plus not good because of the shortstack.
(9) Raise to $12- Best, IMO.

Right now, only 4 holdings beat your TT. It's not likely, given the action, that anyone holds one of these. The trouble with raising to $7 is if shorty pushes, the betting is closed as he doesn't have enough to make a real raise. You would like to be able to go over the top if you raise and shorty pushes and someone else calls, as your TT will be a better hand than anything caller will have. So a raise to $5 is superior to a raise to $7. The best play however, IMO, is raise to $12. You either take it down right there, or very often shorty calls and you are HU, all-in with the better hand.

Question # 2 --

(4) Yes (c/r)- A c/r usually shuts down the hand in limped pots.
(8) No- You got the best hand, bet it.

Question # 3 --

(0) planned c/r- ABC poker wins. Bet when you are best, avoid FPS.
(0) bet $6- too weak
(5) bet $12- better, but still too light.
(10) bet $20- best.

Question # 4 --

(3) c/c psb
(5) c/c 1/2 psb
(8) bet $20
(1) bet $50

As has been discussed on this board, the blocking bet is usually superior to a c/c in situations like this.

Question # 5 --

(6)Call- Usually when you make a blocking bet, you fold to a raise. However, this is only a minraise so you should consider calling getting 6:1 on the call. With CO calling a flop bet, but folding to a turn bet, there was a chance he was drawing to a flush, decreasing the chances (slightly) that MP1 has a flush. A call might be best here.
(5) Fold- It's reasonable to think that villian chased and hit a flush, and is now only minraising because he thinks it's a sure Hero call.

Question # 6 --

(4) Value Bet- a VB happens when you are fairly certain you have the best hand. Here, we're not so sure.
(0) Continuation Bet- a CB happens after you make a PFR, and bet the flop when you miss.
(10) Blocking Bet- Correct. We aren't sure our hand is best anymore and make a bet that blocks the craziness that a check may induce.
(0) Semi-bluff- This is when you bet your draw, instead of just checking.

Question #7 --
(0) ~8%- nope
(10) ~12%- you flop a set 11.76% of the time.
(0) ~15%- nope
(0) ~19%- you make a set 19.18% if you stay through the river.


Hand results: Hero called the river minraise. MP1 shows Ah Jd for two pair, and Hero's set is goot.
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