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Old 06-29-2006, 09:43 AM
Madtown Madtown is offline
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Default Unpopular opinions that you hold

I've seen this thread elsewhere, and it's kind of interesting to see the responses. Was reminded of it when chatting with Dids about Lost and The Usual Suspects last night.

Post opinions you strong hold that are unpopular. Your gauge for "popular" should probably be OOT or at least people from OOT you talk to frequently. The world at large can be used to gauge "popular" too, but most of the time that's not going to be all that interesting.

Topics NOT open to discussion for this thread = anything that would normally get moved to another forum. Poker, Politics, Religion, and Sports are off-limits.

Which leaves stuff like A&E, Food/Drink, Relationships/Sex, Travel, Fashion, etc.

I'll start:

<ul type="square">[*] The twist ending of "The Usual Suspects," while cool at first, really just ruins the 2 hours that lead up to it.[*] Most big fans of "Fight Club" are frat-boy douchebags who didn't "get it," but it's still a truly great film.

[*] The best album by The Flaming Lips is "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots," not "Soft Bulletin."[*] The best album by The Shins is "Chutes Too Narrow," not "Oh, Inverted World."[*] The best album by Kanye West is "Late Registration," not "College Dropout."

[*] "24" just doesn't look all that great.[*] MTV shows are not good. Neither in the real sense of the word, nor as mindless entertainment.

[*] Arby's &gt; Taco Bell.[*] A good hamburger &gt; A good steak[/list]
Others, go.
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