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Old 09-19-2005, 08:16 PM
curtains curtains is offline
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Default Re: Play a Hand With the Masters #1


Okay, its just not my experience that "name pro" players will be constantly raising out of the blinds and out of position in deep stacked games.

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I've played twice w/ Miami John now in large buy in events. Both times he was to my direct left. He is the definition of solid pro who knows values. IMO, if I raise to t600, he's not playing less than a pair or AQ out of position, not closing the action preflop. If he was on the button, it's a different story.

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Yeah, you are really giving up a lot by starting to worry about insane things just because they are a pro whose name youve heard of.

For the most part a lot of these guys just play solid poker (by this I don't mean they never bluff, but that they are not completley insane and coming over the top early and often with nothing) and are well known because they have been playing on the tournament circuit for a long time and thus have a lot of victories. To alter the way you play this hand because of some guy with any 2 in the SB is really playing scared.

The player you should be worried about is the cutoff, he is the one who announced he has a hand worth limping and is the main concern at this point.
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