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Old 06-28-2006, 09:38 AM
ElaineMonster ElaineMonster is offline
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Default Re: Bug problem in my apartment complex (Las Vegas int he summer)

Las Vegas has bugs. It's disgusting. When I first moved here it really freaked me out because I had never seen those humongous roaches. The have shadows, for crying out loud.

Call your apartment office. They should come spray or distribute poison for them to take back to the nest.

Or you can do like Ed does and just pray they leave. Ed hates spraying pesticide anywhere and he's just so used to bugs (living in New Orleans his whole life) that he takes a very light handed approach.

Honestly, it works, it just takes 2 weeks instead of one day. Basically, you just have to get rid of whatever they like - any open food containers. And you have to plug up their holes - easy to do with cock from Home Depot (besides, it's fun going to buy cock, "excuse me, where's the cock? I need some cock.") And you have to distribute poison. Ed likes this gel that they can eat and take back to the nest. I like the little pellets, but whatever.

Yeah, and if it doesn't get better, move. Some places in Vegas are worse than others.
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