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Old 06-27-2006, 07:09 PM
twoakers twoakers is offline
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Default Limit game with only one blind...Any strategic changes ?

Our casino has only one game and it's $3/6 limit. Usually very loose and pretty easy to make a profit. For some reason, they have swithed to a "one blind system." This means only one $3 blind, no small blind. The manager told me he'd explain their reasoning to me soon, but he did say that they were having "problems" concerning the small blind. I have no idea what he meant by that, although it's a new game to our casino, and it may somehow be confusing the dealers. (?) Last night was the first night that these changes were implemented, and I really didn't notice it playing any differently.

My question is, are there any strategic changes I should make in my game because of this development? I guess that the button is now allowed to fall on a "dead" position when the table isn't full, for what that's worth.

I am TAG. Any advice? Also, has anyone else ever seen this? If so, what does it accomplish, from the casino's view?
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