Thread: Introduction
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Old 06-26-2006, 08:35 PM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
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Default Introduction

As this website grows, we are gaining more and more highly intelligent, astute, successful, members. That being the case I thought that we should not waste that talent. Why limit ourselves to discussing only gambling or the financial markets, when it comes to bringing in money? Obviously there are lots of other ways to do this. Working for instance. That of, course, is an unacceptable option. But there are lots of others. White collar crime fits the bill. But Mason, I don't think, is open minded enough to let us scheme about that here

Still that leaves lots of other alternatives; business ventures, or inventions being two of the most obvious. It seems to me that someone with an idea could help themselves by sharing at least part of that idea with the people who come here. They would do this to seek advice, seek employees or partners, or to attract investors. Others would come here in the other capacities or simply in hopes of learning something useful. Obviously any budding entrepreneur or inventor should consider how to use this forum in a way that wouldn't seriously risk his whole idea being stolen out from under him (unless he didn't care.)

Here are two ideas I recently thought of (that I personally will never do).

1. Figure out a way to allow people to pay a fee to be able to meet people right at the gate when they disembark from a plane. Either in person or through a surrogate. Wealthier people might pay as much as fifty bucks to do this and I don't believe there would be a backlash among others if some of that money defrayed airport costs.

2. Less trivially, open up very clean, extended stay three bedroom suite, furnished, moderately priced, hotels, in places like Vegas. Twice weekly maid service. Perhaps $600 a week or $2000 a month. Clearly at these prices the places, would be nothing special. But they wouldn't suffer from the downside, that one and even two bedroom places endure, eg riff raff who are up to no good and can't rent normal apartments. As long as multiple adults are not allowed, and all units are three or more bedrooms, tenants will be middle income families and the reputation of the place will remain good. Presently I am unaware of any safe, clean, roomy, inexpensive way a family of four or more can enjoy a week long stay in Vegas. Perhaps such a place would fill a niche.

Anyway, regardless of whether these are good ideas or whether people would find serious holes in them, I have given a couple of examples of the type of thing you might want to discuss on this new forum. Good luck.
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