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Old 06-26-2006, 07:12 PM
lorez lorez is offline
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Default Re: What would you like to see covered in the upcoming SSNL book?

Thinking about this a bit more and after finishing NLHEFP I think more details on how to deal with a medium stack would help. Virtually everything you read is for big stacks or small stacks; in position or the blinds. Heads up or first into the pot. They are always idealistic situations and at low limits not really what I come up against day in, day out. How do I deal with AQs when I raise from MP and get called by the button, blinds and the EP limper and miss the pot? How to play small pairs in MP? What do I do when I raise QQ in LP and get called by 3 people and the flop comes 3 suited but I make a set and the MP limper makes a pot sized bet?

SSHE made such an impact by showing you how to play marginal situations in low limit games and making you a winner by pushing those edges you'd never thought about. I'd love for this to do the same and make people think about exploiting position, implied odds and +EV situations.
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