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Old 06-21-2006, 06:20 PM
NaobisDad NaobisDad is offline
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Posts: 519
Default Re: The envelope problem, and a possible solution

THank you for your reply Jason. You make a couple of very interesting points. You also seem to argue that the size of the value and the sampling method are of critical importance. A number of others have argued this, but I sill can't see the point. I suspect that I lack specific knowledge to fully appreciate those arguments. if you would be so kind, I'd really appreciate it if anyone could make a bit more of a detailed post such that laymen like me can understand.

The point about the relation to poker and point of determination is exactly the point that led me to question this explanation myself. However, there are some differences between pokersituations and this situation that might be of influence. I will not yet go into those here. But I do want to discuss that, because initially I was going to relate this post to exactly that. Which is why I started a new post before, instead of replying in the original thread.
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