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Old 06-18-2006, 05:46 AM
Farfenugen Farfenugen is offline
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I watched the Irish coverage of the game. After the game the analysis by the Irish commentators was very hard to watch. Here are some of the loose quotes:

"The Americans deserved to be down 2 men. The play dirty football to make up for their lack of talent." (meanwhile, they barely mentioned deRossi)

"All of this hype by the American before this game is nonsense. The whole 'let's win this for the boys in Iraq' is typical American garbage. This is the same thing you hear from the White House. It has no place in the World Cup." (WTF? We have our largest non-US military base in Kaiserslautern with 40k Americans living there, many of which attended the game. I guess we aren't allowed to be patriotic but every other country can be.)

"This game did nothing for me. It was by far the worst game of the World Cup. That was just poor football and a very bad standard." (This wasn't said in context of the red cards, but hopefully that was what he meant.)

After Beasley scored and was denied because of the offsides, the camera panned to Arena who was overjoyed then obviously disappointed, "Look at him carrying on like that. The Americans think they are so persecuted. It's a disgace to have your leader acting the fool. And every time the yellow/red card comes out it's the same story. I'm sure we will hear about the persecution from the American coach and players after this game."

The Irish analysts carried on for 20 minutes like this, just berating the USA with nothing positive to say. Finally, at the end, the presenter who had stayed out of most of the conversation says to his negative counterparts "well, the US did manage a tie despite being down a man".

I guess they are bitter because Ireland didn't even qualify for the World Cup. Who knows?

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We need to bomb Ireland.

No, wait. We need to steal all the Guiness, then bomb Ireland.
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