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Old 06-17-2006, 02:16 PM
PartyGirlUK PartyGirlUK is offline
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Default Beyonce gets pwned

Two animal rights campaigners have been ejected from a restaurant in New York after confronting singer Beyonce Knowles about her love of fur coats.

The members of People for the Ethical Treatment Animals secretly won an eBay auction offering dinner with the star.

They spent several minutes asking a stunned Knowles why she wore fur and why it was used by her fashion label.

Knowles remained silent as her mother and sister defended her, before the activists were asked to leave.

A video of the meeting at the upmarket Nobu restaurant was made by the campaigners and obtained by the American website

During the meal, they also tried to use a portable DVD player to show Knowles footage of animals being killed for their fur.

The opportunity to eat with the singer was offered by the VH1 music channel, as part of an auction which would benefit its Save the Music Foundation.

A spokesman for Knowles said the 24-year-old had no comment to make about the meeting.
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