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Old 06-17-2006, 01:32 PM
ElaineMonster ElaineMonster is offline
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Default Re: I have bad knees, help me out

Swimming is NOT a good workout for overweight people. Their fat adds to their bouyancy; and the water keeps their body temperature down. If you want to burn fat, you gotta sweat.

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That's not true. You can sweat in the pool, people just don't see the sweat! Any cardio activity, combined with strength training and proper diet will help you lose weight.

Yes, pro swimmers tend to have more body fat than other pro athelets, but they still have lower body fat than average non-atheletes.

My mom's been swimming to lose weight recently and she's lost at least 10 pounds.
I swam on my high school team and I was pretty fit then.

Also, I swam in college (not for team) - I weight trained and swam but didn't change my diet at all (which was pretty bad at the time) or do any other exercise. I lost 10 pounds in a semester just from swimming 3 days a week and doing weights twice a week.
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