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Old 06-16-2006, 04:06 PM
sternroolz sternroolz is offline
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Default Are nits the norm at Commerce 20-40?

I made a foray into the 20-40 LHE at Commerce last night. First time I've played that high in about 8 years. I got the opportunity to watch the tables for 15 minutes or so until a seat was available to me. I guess I got just about the best table there....a loose passive guy(never folded a hand preflop), and a couple over agro bad players(raised any ace, any pp preflop from any position, then called down to the river). I also was struck by how amazingly easy it was to read most of the players. I was able to make value bets I would never make at $9-18...mostly of the TP second or third kicker vs. top pair middle kicker.

Anywho, soon after I sat down, a hand developed with loose passive guy and an asian player. On the turn the asian player bet and loose passive guy put out 10 chips, reached back and puts out 6 more. Lady to my left whispers "string bet" to the asian guy. No one else hears this. Asian guy says "string bet". Dealer says "I have to call floorman." Friendly guy says "Don't call the floorman. It's obvious string bet. Everyone saw it, the player called it, its a string bet." Middle aged white guy says "Well it is not like that everywhere." Friendly guy says "C'mon, its a string need to call floorman". Soon the middle aged white guy has gone from ghostly pale to about 10 shades of red. I joke "either of you want a beer?". They look at me like I am nuts. They continue to argue into the next hand. Profanitys fly. Then threats. Middle aged white guy racks up....while both guys are still yelling at each other. Middle aged white guy cashes out but still sticks around. He hovers over the table a bit, then tells friendly guy to go eff himself. Then finally leaves.

I'm guessing this is standard, but curious anyway. That a fight could develop from arguing over if a floorman is necessary.
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