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Old 06-10-2006, 04:28 AM
matrix matrix is offline
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Default Re: Invisible Hand

the FDA wholly relies on the drug produer's OWN TRIAL DATA when approving drugs. Did you know that?

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Trial data which in at least two cases was fradulent or at least totally incompetent which contribute to the death of thousands of people each year...

I'm not a huge FDA fan.

The FDA actually approved AZT for prescribed long term use in humans for HIV treatment after AZT was originally developed as a chemotherapy drug that kills cells at random. It was rejected as a cancer treatment for being too toxic (???)

Despite evidence of fraudulent trials before it's approval linkit's still prescribed today...

in fact since Welcomes patent expired in 2005 the FDA has approved 4 generic versions despite the fact that AZT does little to help AIDS sufferers.

It's no big surprise that it does little seeing as an ever growing number of emminent scientists seem to agree that HIV doesn't even cause AIDS at all. link

You'd have thought that a letter with 2300 signatories (some of them Nobel prize winners) published in appropriate scientific journals might pique the interest of the establishment and get them to relook at HIV AIDS so that if perhaps there is no link between the two then we could stop prescribing patients with poisonous drugs - but no.

For some reason (perhaps the reason that lots of people are still getting plenty rich from HIV research thank you very much) the unproved hypothesis that HIV causes AIDS is still bantered about like it's the gospel truth and many people die from AIDS each year when there is good reason to believe that it's actually drugs like AZT that cause AIDS - that AIDS isn't even a contagious disease at all - and that the retrovirus HIV (like other retroviruses) is completely harmless.

Lets not forget Aspartame either.

Aspartame breaks down into significant quantities of formaldehyde and methanol in liquid form - last time I checked both of those are pretty toxic - but no really it's safe the FDA says so.

Thats just two substances the FDA has royally screwed up over I wonder how many more there are.
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