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Old 06-10-2006, 01:03 AM
ChrisV ChrisV is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Adelaide, Australia
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Default Re: Presenting... better know a pogger

I am 26 and living in Seacliff, a suburb of Adelaide, the capital of the state of South Australia. Check it. Judge for yourself whether I'm ugly. (Man, that second one is a pretty average pic of me though).

I recently quit my job after working two and a half years as a software developer for a small custom software company. I am now playing poker for a living, but am not planning to do this long term.

I used to use Ecstasy once a month or so and it ended up damaging me noticeably. I have also used methamphetamine, LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, GHB, nitrous oxide and pot. I never use stimulants (except caffeine) or psychedelics anymore. I still take GHB sometimes and drink regularly. I'm a bit of a wine snob.

Politically I tend libertarian but am a moderate. I am strongly in favour of personal liberty; this means legalisation of recreational drugs and the softening of restrictions on needing prescriptions, legalised abortion and legalised gay marriage. I'm moderately in favour of economic liberty; I support lowered taxes with a flat tax and privatisation/deregulation of most industries, with the exception of health and education.

I am an atheist and a mild anti-theist.

I don't have a girlfriend, probably for a combination of reasons.

I am generally pretty happy.

My life is too boring for me to have any dark secrets to confess here. I'm interesting I think, but my life isn't.
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