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Old 06-08-2006, 11:08 PM
pilliwinks pilliwinks is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
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Default Re: Can anyone recommend a good book on evolutionary psychology?

Ishmael, yes. And no.

Everything that we are is inevitably the product of our history - that's how we got here.

That does not mean that it is inevitable that what happened during the history included selection for the feature in question.

In the case of preference for sweets/fats, you could argue that since this is a feature of every extant mammal I ever heard of, that we have it not a selected adaptive trait that emerged tens of thousands of years ago, but rather that it is a legacy of our mammalian precursor past (millions of years ago). Whether this stands up to scrutiny you would have to ask an archaeologist.

It's no conundrum that we have non-adaptive traits. Humans should carry plenty of these, since our habitat has changed so drastically.
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