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Old 06-08-2006, 11:32 AM
weimoxer weimoxer is offline
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Default Re: Really need some advice for poker in general and a specific hand

"I’ve only been at this table for a short while. I have no significant reads on the players in this hand. I do know the BB is tight and likely to fold behind me, thus I feel I am closing action with my call. If the flop comes low, or I hit my set; I think I’m good. Flop comes, looks great but here is where I feel I messed up. I don’t want to see another card."

One, your not sure a Low flop will be good (unless you hit ur set) and you are almost banking that it will be. Not being at the table long, not knowing how the 2 larger stacks have been playing, the call by the Button could also be a mid-small pair looking for set value or low board, could be a monster, or junk. You have no reads on these guys yet. If you really think your good, no need to toss out a 6k bet, bet less and c where u are, any overs with flush draw with these stacks are prob gonna stay, maybe bail from hand now if u get bet at. You have 2 to act behind you, so be carefull, either check or cut your bet in half so your not married to the hand. I would have checked and been happy to fold only commiting 1500 of the orig 1800 raise for set value. Having 1500 vested in a pot really worth what you ended up putting into it?? Yes it was a huge pot, but why not pick a better spot..
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