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Old 01-14-2006, 12:39 AM
LadyWrestler LadyWrestler is offline
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Default Re: War with Iran: spell it out.

The only sensible answer to this question is, of course, I do not know...and neither does anyone else. I do know (from history) that appeasement does not work with terrorists...and so do many Democrats...if they are as intelligent as many of them seem to be. Al Gore lost and John Kerry lost...George W, Bush is president, the Republicans are in charge of the White House, have a majority in Congress...and may gain a majority in the High Court as well...and that obviously upsets many (whose party was in charge of all 3 for most of the last 60 years). Be that as it may, we were attacked, our country is in danger, and some people really should give some thought to dredging up at least pretend shadows of patriotism for their country and give the appearance of being behind their president and other leaders (or at least stop verbally comforting our enemies) during this terrible war.

I am a Republican, and proud of it. I do, however, believe in the checks and balances a two party system preserves. I fear the Dems are in the early stages of losing their place in that type of system altogether. I do not know what party, if any, would replace them if that happened, but it is a scary least to me.

As with all things, in a free society, there is a time for attacking the party in power. This is not that time, as intelligent Democrats who really care about freedom should know. Intelligent and brave Dems need to rise to a level where their ideals, and their party, can survive.

Have a great day!
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