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Old 06-06-2006, 12:26 PM
MS Sunshine MS Sunshine is offline
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Default Re: MSsunshine.... Busto?....MIA???

Just back from three weeks in Europe. While I was in Florence I got engaged. If gambling sites were not blocked in Italy I would seriously consider moving there. Friendly people, beautiful country, and the best food in the world IMO.

Pokerwise the part of my BR that is online is tight($1K) and the rest($14K) is in some kind of limbo(S&P 500 index fund with ex's name on it and a PP check at a new bank needs 14 days to clear).

I'm playing $100-200 S&G's on pp and $200-$600 buyins NLH cash games on Pokerstars regularly. These stakes are a couple of rungs down from where I have been playing over the last couple of years. sigh Poker blows at times. I'm a firm believer in playing with a large BR at limits that I'm currently winning at.

I'm busto adverse since the fast food industry frowns on a five year gap to play poker on the old resume.

Without question for an established winning player the 2+2 software forum is the most +EV, it isn't even close.

Life is g00t.

MS Sunshine

ps Dutch? Isn't he that guy on tv that does chip tricks?
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