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Old 06-01-2006, 11:00 PM
man man is offline
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Default worst band for rock and roll

screw this "best of the best" crap. I want to know who is responsible for the crappiest music in existence. I don't just mean the band that produced the worst music, I mean the bands that started it all. the guys who tore decades of brilliant musical composition asunder with cliched mediocrity.

there are some bands like journey that are so bad they're good, that's not exactly what I'm talking about. I mean guys who once sought to be taken seriously and actually led rock astray with their impotence.

like, blink 182. these guys took a respectable form of music and not only trashed it to unrecognition, but inspired tons of other bands to do the same.

but I'm only a B-rate music snob so I wanna hear about some others.
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