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Old 05-28-2006, 07:51 PM
HSB HSB is offline
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Default Re: Pokerstars\' crack security team at work!

I don't know what original e-mail from Stars you were reading.

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The one you posted.

It was almost accusatory.

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Rather than accepting that it was quite possible (in fact, likely) that the person sending me the penny was some random doofus, they demanded to know "my relationship with HoldumGod", with language that implies they are assuming that there is one.

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There was a financial transaction between you and them. Assuming there is some sort of relationship there is reasonable.

Sure, the letter was written in a "polite" business-like manner, but it was composed to where it assumes my guilt and I have to prove my innocence.

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The one you posted doesn't.

I would understand them taking that tone if I had initiated the transfer, or had some part in receiving it.

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You do understand that if someone had hacked into someone's account and stolen the money that it's the one receiving the transfer who is most suspect don't you?
Given that their system allows anyone to transfer to anyone else at any time, they need to approach their long-time honest customers more gently when something like this occurs. That's the insulting part.

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They could have said something in the e-mail to the effect that they didn't think you were taking part in any shenanigans but I am not sure why you think they should.

The unprofessional part involves Stars' security using the "suspend first / think about it later" methodology of dealing with this.

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What planet do you live on that this is unprofessional? Locking the accounts is absolutely ten billion percent the first thing they should do when they know an account has received funds that are reported stolen. That you don't understand this is incomprehensible.

Having paid somewhere around 100k in rake during my time there, I have a right to be treated as one of their more valued customers.

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True enough but treating valued customers well doesn't extend to ignoring their security protocols.

Given that there have been ZERO problems up until this point involving my honesty, this is a situation where they needed to give me the benefit of the doubt, especially since the amount transferred to me was just 1 cent.

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Given the recent cheating scandals they needed to have a zero tolerance policy.

Acting professionally here would take all of these matters into account before suspending me.

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What makes you think they didn't? You're assuming that if they had they wouldn't have locked your account. That assumption is questionable.

Unprofessional actions involve blindly freezing my account and sending out a psuedo-accusatory e-mail, simply because some dope with stolen money sent me a penny.

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They have acted more professionally in this matter than you have. They stated the situation politely and asked for your side of the story. You whined that you are a bracelet winner and good customer and shouldn't have to deal with their security procedures.
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