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Old 05-28-2006, 02:34 PM
benfranklin benfranklin is offline
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Default Re: Moving companies - whats your experience?

It depends on how much stuff you have, how much you are willing to do yourself, and where you are. The big van lines are way too expensive.

For a short move like that, I would move the small expensive breakable stuff (art work, computers, etc.) myself in the car. A trip or two in the car should also get all your hanging clothes moved.

Packing and boxes are also very expensive from a moving company. Get a bunch of boxes and pack everything yourself. Wine boxes from the liquor store with the cardboard partions are great for glasses. Those fold-out white file boxes from Office Max/Office Depot are cheap and sturdy. Save newspapers to crumple up to cushion dishes and such.

Check the Yellow Pages for a local moving company. They typically charge by the hour for 2 or 3 guys and a truck. Probably $125-150 an hour, depending on location, with maybe a 4 hour minimum. They have furniture pads and generally know what they are doing. Have everything ready to go; you don't want to be paying $100+ an hour to have guys pack stuff. Depending on how much stuff you have and the locations (stairs can really slow things down) they should be able to move a typical apartment in 4-5 hours.
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