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Old 05-24-2006, 08:05 PM
Wired Jokers Wired Jokers is offline
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Default Re: Young, single guys who live alone or with friends

Here is the hard and fast rule. Much like the rule that the sun always rises in the east, this rule cannot and should not be challenged.

A man has 120 days from his 18th birthday or the day he graduates from high school (whichever is later) to permanently move out of his parents house, never to return as a resident. The only return to his former home should be as a guest, and never more than two weeks at a time. Exception: after the first year of college, and first year only, a man is allowed to return home as a guest for the summer.

Violations of this rule damn this poor soul to:

1) Never having sex
2) Girls thinking he is really, really weird
3) Social retardation
4) Gayness
5) Monetary dependence upon others, which leads to:

- No sex
- Social and economic retardation
- Permanent entry into Loserville

Move out, dude. And don't look back. Please.
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