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Old 05-24-2006, 08:03 PM
celiboy celiboy is offline
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Default Re: Young, single guys who live alone or with friends

I actually did not move out until I was around 26 and paid no rent while living at home. I graduated college around 22 so I was working full time for 4 years while still at home. Would I do it again? Hell yes

Just think, 500 a month in rent + food = let's say 1000 a month easy in savings. 1,000 a month X 12 X 8 years = damn near 100,000 I saved myself. I'm 30 and I just paid off the mortgage on my home. It's clear sailing for me until 45 when I plan to retire.

On the other hand you could move out and be like everyone else when they graduate school.....30K+ in student loans + 20K or more in CC debt that will take them forever to pay off.... a high price to pay to be with your "boys"
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