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Old 05-22-2006, 02:17 PM
kevkev60614 kevkev60614 is offline
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Default Re: $22: bubble flop decision

Good post, as usual. Welcome back. Stay awhile.

I check pf unless I have a solid read that I have real FE pf. Too often against this stack at the $22s you'll be called by K2o or Q8s or something; essentially I check for all the reasons you've already stated.

On the flop, though, I think you have to push. You're too far ahead of villain and there are too many chips in the pot.

On a side note, I think the fact that the other shortstack is bad is kind of irrelevant here. There's a bunch of different kinds of bad. If shorty was the kind of bad where you knew he'd bust in the next three hands, this'd be an easy fold. But he's the kind of bad where he's determined to slink into third, and that doesn't help me find a fold here, if that makes sense. If I fold here, I'm worried I'll want to fold more +EV situations in the future to try to outlast villain. It's also worth noting that 2nd or 1st isn't unattainable with these stacks and blinds.
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