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Old 05-20-2006, 10:17 PM
creedofhubris creedofhubris is offline
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Default Re: Winrate vs. variance much would you pay to not lose?

This has been done before in the limit forum by jay, it was a long time ago and i cant find the thread, anyway...i began thinking how much happier i would be playing poker if i knew that everytime i played i won regardless of my playing ability, cards, tilt, beats, etc... obviously this is pretty obvious and stupid since it doesn't happen, so naturally, I started thinking about how much money i would be willing to part with if it meant every session I played was in the green. I'm trying to come up with a number here or a % of my current hourly that i would be willing to cut if it meant i won everytime. Obviously this isn't a big deal for people that don't mind the ebb and flow of the game and can handle the swings/losing. I used to be like that but after so much winning and so much losing and so many large swings, well, it has sort of fried me permanently from poker. Not to mention the nice feeling of total worthlessness after a breakeven or losing session. Anyway, so anyone want to throw out numbers? Off the top of my head I'm beginning to think I would happily take a 50% paycut if it meant i won every session i played...i'm still thinking this over. Just curious to see what others think.

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If the answer is low enough (I'll take 1/3 my win rate to be guaranteed a win!), you should be able to find a backer.
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