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Old 01-11-2006, 03:21 PM
Ironman Ironman is offline
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Default Re: My PLO8 starting hand selection

Let me preface this by saying that Buzz and I have had this conversation before and he believes that playing these middle cards is an absolute mistake. Most likely, he is right on the money with this one as well.

But, here is what I have found (and this only works in PLO8 by the way).

1. I will only limp with these hands. So, for a very small bet, I can see if I get a good fit.

2. These hands are very easy to play because when they miss, they really miss. When they hit, they really hit.

3. When I'm playing for the top half of a pot with lots of low cards, there are usually several people playing for the low end. I'm happy to build large pot size bets with 2 or 3 low players playing for a quarter of the pot while I get half.

4. When you do hit those cards, it is essential that you play it fast. You need to make any sets and two pairs think long and hard about calling pot sized bets.

I proceed with caution and dump the hand when it looks like I'm beat.

Ironman Dave
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