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Old 05-15-2006, 08:55 PM
Jonsan Jonsan is offline
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Default Re: Demon Game Thread

"Jonsan puffed on a fat cigar burnt down so low that he could feel the heat against his lips when he exaled. He blew strong smelling smoke out of the side of his mouth, and gazed out the window of his home. Down the street, houses of friends and family lost to disease and famine stood like crypts. The town he loved was a graveyard, and now he just waited to die.

Jonsan dropped the cigar and put a hand over his mouth and nose. A foul odor destroyed the sweet, earthen smell of the tobacco, nearly forcing him to retch. Sharp knocking on his door distracted him, but the stench grew more powerful as he walked to answer the call.

The heavy oak door groaned as it swung into his house, letting cold air and more of the stink past him like a stray cat seeking shelter. He barely recognized the person standing on his doorstep.

The visitor's features were smooth and hollow. Jonsan knew he looked into the face of the village's torment. The plagues and storms and still-born children stared back at him with empty black eyes, and grinned a wicked smile while he stood helpless. There was no time to fight or run. He opened his mouth to scream, but there was no time to scream."

Day 1:
DonWest, Magistrate and council leader for the village has called a special meeting for the village leaders. If the town is to survive, the evil infestation must be rooted out and destroyed.

The meeting begins now, and will end no later than 2pm EST tomorrow. A simple majority is needed to execute a suspected Demon, a 2/3 majority is needed to abstain from lynching. When a majority is reached the meeting will end. Provided he hasn't already extended immunity to a villager, the Magistrate has 1 hour to extend immunity to a villager with a majority vote against them, or they will be destroyed.

Any villager lynched has 1 hour to write and PM me final words, which can include any strategy or advice for the remaining players.

Remaining Players:
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