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Old 05-15-2006, 04:49 PM
LinusKS LinusKS is offline
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Default Re: Evaluate my real estate situation (very long)

Well, it sounds like a great house to me. No way I'd sell it - but that's me.

If you are going to sell it, I'd sell it now, not later. Especially if you want to go take a trip somewhere.

Yeah, you might be able to rent it to someone who'll take care of it while you're gone - especially if you've got a friend or someone you know who wants to stay there. But the nightmare scenario is a busted pipe and a renter who doesn't take care of it. Or worse yet, someone who just trashes the place while you're gone.

What you're looking for is more of a house-sitter than a typical tenant. You need to be clear about that before you go, or you're liable to be in for some unpleasant surprises when you get back.
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