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Old 05-14-2006, 10:20 PM
ElaineMonster ElaineMonster is offline
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Default Re: My brother lost his house, his car, and his kids - advice needed.

He's not getting out of child support payments. He can file bankruptcy but usually things like taxes, child support, restitution, etc. are still collectible. If his income decreases, he will be responsible for smaller payments, but he can't just stop paying.

Also, I think you mean "custody" of his children rather than "possession."

About other creditors during bankruptcy: The laws have changed and it's much more difficult nowadays. He will basically have to work out a payment plan for all the debts and pay what he can for 5 years or so.

THe first step these days in bankruptcy is credit counseling, so he should contact Consumer Credit Counseling Services now and work out some methods of managing his dept. He may not require a lawyer or bankruptcy since what he can do with CCCS is almost the same as what the current bankruptcy law allows anyway.
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