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Old 05-01-2006, 11:55 PM
Analyst Analyst is offline
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Default Re: For fathers: remember when you first became a daddy?


colic - the dirty little secret of some newborn babies. Our little girl was colicky (sp) as well and there were nights that I was wondering what the return policy on her was. 2 things amaze me about this time in our lives : 1 - that we survived; 2 - how little of it I actually remember. I know that the first 6 months were incredibly hard and that she cried a lot and didn't sleep much during the day (she still doesn't), but only a few specific memories remain and they are actually endearing (me soothing her by dancing with her while Nora Jones played on the stereo (over and over and over again)).


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Starting at two weeks, my now-almost-14 daughter was either sleeping, eating or screaming literally twenty four hours a day. We were worried, of course, especially when every book said that colic doesn't kick in until they're one month old, but the doc said it was no problem - for the baby, at least. I remember walking laps around the house in the middle of the night carrying her, hoping to get her to sleep; then when she did I'd hold her and watch dog-sled races on ESPN2 at 3AM. It was a case of colic fit for the record books, and no remedy worked except time. This time the books were right, and almost exactly as the clock struck 3 months, the light switch flipped and her crying stopped almost overnight.

You feel like you're going crazy during the colic phase, if it's bad enough. Two years later, when we had our second child I found myself panicking every time he started to cry: not again! God, not again!
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