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Old 05-01-2006, 11:41 PM
Telecaster Telecaster is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Texas Blues
Posts: 45
Default Re: For fathers: remember when you first became a daddy?

I'm 42, my oldest son is 15, and another son thats 7. My wife had both kids all natural, no pain drugs. The first son was a long labor.. that head never wanted to poke thru. Finally after 17 hours he squeezed out, all purple, pink, slimy, and very stinky. My wife is crying with joy. I got to cut the umbilicle cord and -oops- I accidentally snipped the doctors finger instead. Got some good tasteful "over the shoulder" video that my wife loves watching every year on the boy's birthday.

The 2nd son things happened much faster. Again took some video but it didn't come out as good. I had run out to the waiting area to tell some relatives that it might be awhile.. when I returned to my wife a few minutes later son #2 was sliding out. Everybody was alot more calm and relaxed about it.. but the doctor never made it back to my wife in time so the head nurse got to do all the duties. I didn't cut any extra finters this time tho.

Kids are great, life's greatest joy. A good friend since highschool him and his wife have tried for years to get pregnant, and finally adopted a 1 year old girl last month. My friend says he's never been happier, that "now he gets it". Fun stuff.
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