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Old 05-01-2006, 12:48 PM
FishNChips FishNChips is offline
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Default Re: For fathers: remember when you first became a daddy?

Awesome thread! Thanks DB for starting it...

have 2nd due in Late July / Early August.

First was a scheduled C-section. Little girl was in the breach position and never turned over. Sonogram pics show her using the placenta as a pillow. Apparently she just got comfy and didn't want to move.

It was a bit surreal to have a scheduled delivery. We got up, went to the hospital and 4 hours later we had a baby.

The delivery was smooth. Things I vividly remember :
Took my wife into surgery and I waited in a hallway just outside the OR while they prepped her. I was all alone and I remember just praying - for my wife, for my daughter, for wisdom as a dad.

Anaesthesiologist had a crossword at his station and I heard him working on it.

Delivery room nurse saying "she's going to be tall, look how long her fingers/toes are" and me thinking "come on, you can't tell that." (she's 95th percentile height for her age - I guess you can tell that)

My bonding was the next day : my wife did a lot of sleeping to recover from the surgery. So I held my daughter, changed her diapers, sang to her (poor thing). I vividly recall sitting with her tucked up in my arms, watching the first Sunday's games of the 2004 NFL season.

excited to meet #2!

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