Thread: Eating Healthy
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Old 05-01-2006, 02:03 AM
Chissmoose Chissmoose is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 42
Default Re: Eating Healthy

Tupacia gave some good advice. I'd also say to maybe pick up a decent multivitamin and/or a B-complex. It should help to give you a bit of a lift, and generally help you feel better.

Definitely go nuts (no pun intended) with the vegetables. They're probably the single best thing you can eat for you, and NO ONE eats enough of them (myself included). Raw is generally better than steamed, but steaming works. Try not to microwave as that tends to suck out some of the nutrients.

If you feel like you over-eat, up your fiber intake. It has the effect of making you feel full as well as lowering your cholesterol, and stabilizing blood sugar (I believe). Again, no one actually gets enough fiber.

Also eat 5-6 smaller meals evenly divided throughout the day instead of the usual 3 squares. This is a bitch- I know. Generally speaking, you also want your higher calorie/ carb heavy meals earlier in the day, as opposed to dinner. I'm surprised our resident fitness expert didn't mention this, though it's impossible to cover it all with one post.

Hmm hmm... I had more, seem to have forgotten. It'll come back, but all of this should get you well on your way. Good luck.
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