Thread: Eating Healthy
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Old 05-01-2006, 02:00 AM
chicken10der chicken10der is offline
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Default Re: Eating Healthy

Grilled chicken is about the only healthy dinner thing I know how to make, too. You just have to come up with things to do with it.

Get some multi-grain flatbreads (super-healthy). Put brown rice (Minute Rice in the microwave while George Foreman does the chicken), little bit of shredded cheese, hot sauce, and chicken on it, and wrap it up. It's fantastic, and it can be made in about 10 minutes.

Flatbreads can be used for sandwiches, too. I put turkey and cheese on one, microwave it, and I'm good to go in like 2 minutes.

I'm still working on getting off pop (I can't call it soda in these parts). I've mostly moved to bottles of fruit punch Gatorade. Sugar-free Kool-Aid/Crystal Light is the next step. It tastes alright, just not ready for it to be full-time yet. I can't stand drinking plain water, especially with food.
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