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Old 04-30-2006, 03:26 PM
Mrs. Utah Mrs. Utah is offline
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Default Re: For fathers: remember when you first became a daddy?

I love this thread-(sorry for imposing on a father's thread)

I am a labor and delivery nurse and it is very cool to hear daddy's perspective. I have spent a lot of times with laboring moms and dads, and its very important to me to have my dads involved.
Some are very hands on-asking lots of questions, others are completely overwhelmed and need a bit more guidance, and I have had a few be completely indifferent.

Most of the time the docs are not there until we call them-I usually take a mom to crowning before I call a doctor(given the baby is tolerating labor)-this is not uncommon.

For those of you awaiting your first, people love to share the horror stories-most deliveries go without a hitch.
Be prepared, virtually all babies come out blue-not always crying vigarously-it can take time to transition, clear fluid from their lungs-sometimes we(nurses) have to give oxygen, deep suction the airway or resuscitate a baby.

As far as the nursing aspect of it-they should always be telling you what they are doing and why-also telling you what you can expect as labor progresses-what we are looking at on the monitors, why they are predictable changes in the baby's heart rate...etc.
Ask questions, even if you have taken the classes-its always a bit different when you are there.

Chip-if you and your wife are planning a repeat section-it will seem far less chaotic. You will still most likey have to wait for her to be prepped-trust me most women don't like having their spouse/sig other watch the prep.
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