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Old 04-17-2006, 11:27 AM
Mygtar Mygtar is offline
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Location: Southeastern, MA
Posts: 511
Default Re: foxwoods new room

IMO the new room has these improvements:

1) Auto shufflers - speeds up the game
2) Auto sign - quicker sign in
3) More tables - less waiting time for a table
4) More comfortable chairs
5) No smoke anywhere to be seen!

Now for the bad:

1) No room around the tables when you need to get up.
2) The dealers are HORRIFIC at best. On my last 7 hour session I was on a table with at least 5 misdeals, incorrectly mucked cards, and a dealer that would ask if the table was ok with the decision to push the pot to the winner! He kept asking the table what the winning hand was. I can only hope the dealers will improve.
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