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Old 04-17-2006, 10:42 AM
Harv72b Harv72b is offline
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Default Re: 5/10 ATs raised on the flop

I 3-bet this flop pretty close to 100% of the time. And I still get called down by pocket fours or an oddly played AK pretty often.

As far as the turn card goes, it changes nothing unless he's holding QT specifically, or made a move on you on the flop with AQ (maaaaaybe QJ). Given that he doesn't look overly aggressive, I think that AQ or QJ become unlikely, and if he's holding QT then that's just some bad luck.

With 3 overcards that can come to your flopped pair (one of which did) and any 6 or J putting four to a straight on the board, you are most assuredly not in a way ahead/way behind scenario here. Keep the initiative, and start worrying about flopped straights/sets/two pair if you get raised on the expensive streets.
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