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Old 04-14-2006, 02:30 AM
donk2glory donk2glory is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 31
Default Re: Taken almost 2k off a TAG on monkeytilt at wsex

Why do you feel the need to post this? Act like you are a winner and have won before. You do know a 2k win isnt that much really on 10/20. You were crying like no other when you were down about 1.5k...did you see me or any of my friends start to talk chit to you at that point?

If you also cant tell that you were catchin the deck, then you are blind. You turned me every time. You called with any 2 cards K2 off 104 off..and you always turned 2 pair on me...dunno if thats good playing for shorthanded. Heads up is a different story, which I think you play pretty good there compared to most.

Of course I tilted at everyone calling with Q6 off and catchin trips or 10 2 off and catchin 2 pair. Haven't tilted like this in a long time. For you and your friends to even post this after talking chit in the chat of the tables, is truly classless. You guys are acting like true 3/6 players.
Btwn, if you never lost 2k + on 10/20 be prepared for a rude awakening. Thats why they teach br management for all you kids here at 2+2.
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