Thread: Mannys value
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Old 04-03-2006, 02:37 PM
junglewarfare junglewarfare is offline
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Default Re: Mannys value

Minaya has essentially placed a huge bet on the next two seasons. He has gone out and gone crazy to bring all these players and has made then a legitimate contender for the division, and coupled with the excitement Mets fans have to feel I think that is a pretty worthwhile upside. The obvious downside is that in 2-3 years the mets could be saddled with ridiculous contracts with no options. Or even worse they might do badly this year and just be royally [censored].

I have spoken to some fans who are really really happy with him and while I generally think he has helped the mets I would still have mixed feelings about him if I were a fan. When you overpay by that much for multiple players, a downside will come. I think the upside and potential they have this season is still worth it, but you are paying a definite price for it.

I feel kind of weird as a Yankee fan, ever since Willie went to manage the Mets I have essentially been in their corner. I guess I dont feel threatened that the Mets will be better and seeing them flailing and pathetic just got old.
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