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Old 04-03-2006, 03:42 AM
grapabo grapabo is offline
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Default Poker Superstars III (4/2): actually interesting

Yes, I know that most of the jury has resigned to the fact that due to the esclating blinds in an hour, this devolves into a pre-flop tet-a-tet and nothing else.

However, the fourth episode tonight was actually interesting a) because there were a number or river suckouts, and b) there was actual post-flop action with chips still to play.

(Pardon the spoiler, but Moneymaker acquits himself rather well on a session where he didn't get any cards pre-flop and ran up against dominant hands in the few instances where he did.)

And,to those who have seen it already, Negranu does his best soft-shoeing to make it entertaining at the end.
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