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cbiz 09-05-2007 12:08 AM

Squat Problem w/ paragraphs
I have been squatting 2-3 times per week for a few months now usually warming up and then doing 3x5. I have been making some decent progress and I thought everything was all well until a friend of mine commented on a set of mine today. He claimed that my lower back was rounding right when I almost got to parallel. The gym that I go to has a mirror infront of the squat rack but not to the side. I always set up with my shoulders back and such so I thought I was keeping a neutral spine and although I would sometimes get pain in my lower back for a few seconds after some sets I thought nothing of it as it went away after a few seconds and I felt fine the next day.

I then reracked the weight turned sideways and attempted to do a bodyweight squat. He was right, withing about 20 degrees (guess) of parallel my lower back rounds and if i go slow and try to forefully keep it from rounding it streches my hamstrings and basically is almost impossible for me to do it. I have read other places that tight hamstring can cause this and I for one have those as I am lucky to get my hands within a foot and a half of the ground when doing the classic bend over hamstring stretch. My dad is similarly inflexible, but I have never worried about it as it really never bothered me through high school running/soccer and I have been active my entire life.

This now worries me though as I really don't want to stop squatting as it is a great exercise and it helps me make gains on all my other lifts. FWIW my hamstrings give me trouble on deadlifts but I can still complete them with proper form although I feel that I could lift heavier with more flexibility. Basically is my assessment correct? If so, what are my options? One solution suggested by is moving to rack pulls and front squats while working on flexibility. I realy don't want to have to stop doing these as I truly like the burn/sense of accomplishment/exhaustion they give and I have made more gains in the last 1.5 months doing deadlifts/squats then in the prior 4.5 months without them.

durron597 09-05-2007 12:14 AM

Re: Squat Problem w/ paragraphs
This is actually a good thread, I wish I knew anything to help you; hopefully this comment inspires people to read your post

shemp 09-05-2007 12:32 AM

Re: Squat Problem w/ paragraphs
You can't safely go below where you lose your arch, and losing it above parallel is, wow-- I thought I was inflexible. That is the mother of all butt winks. Another thing: don't depend on mirrors, you need to feel things.

I think if you keep working on bodyweight squats, the actual load of your body will help you develop depth. So squat a lot more, and if you haven't improved markedly in 5 weeks, I'll give you your money back.

I like the front squat also for a lot of reasons-- can you find the right place in the bottom of a bodyweight squat-- ie, can you get to the bottom by whatever means, and then produce a nice position?

kidcolin 09-05-2007 12:58 AM

Re: Squat Problem w/ paragraphs
You can't safely go below where you lose your arch, and losing it above parallel is, wow-- I thought I was inflexible.

[/ QUOTE ]

seriously. I know I'm very inflexible, and even I begin rounding out right at parallel. 20 degrees above that is really bad.

edit: also, cbiz, kyle has a really cool video on squat form linked in the FAQ. Check it out. Gives some good practice techniques. I haven't started hitting the gym yet for a variety of reasons, but I've been practicing air squats 3-4 times a week. I've thrown in the potato sack squat because I find it helps me get lower with the proper form. I can also go ass to grass, even if I break form on the way there, and then resume proper form from the bottom position.

cbiz 09-05-2007 12:59 AM

Re: Squat Problem w/ paragraphs
Ya I can get down and arch my back but it basically streches my hamstrings to the point of pain/I lose balance.

Thremp 09-05-2007 01:16 AM

Re: Squat Problem w/ paragraphs
Stetch more?

cbiz 09-05-2007 01:21 AM

Re: Squat Problem w/ paragraphs
haha ya i guess thats the simple answer so ill just have to stop squatting for awhile and strech a lot. But honestly wont it take quite awhile to improve enough to properly squat. what should i do in the meantime?

Thremp 09-05-2007 01:26 AM

Re: Squat Problem w/ paragraphs
haha ya i guess thats the simple answer so ill just have to stop squatting for awhile and strech a lot. But honestly wont it take quite awhile to improve enough to properly squat. what should i do in the meantime?

[/ QUOTE ]

As deep as you can. Maybe sub in more step-ups, lunges, leg press, deadlift, machines...

cbiz 09-05-2007 01:28 AM

Re: Squat Problem w/ paragraphs
alright I guess although i hate leg pres/machines so i guess ill just go with more deads/rack pulls and just pussy ass squats for awhile

shemp 09-05-2007 01:43 AM

Re: Squat Problem w/ paragraphs
In addition to the work you'll get from practicing, some stretching:

I've seen a lot of folks recommend the lying towel stretch. Also seen a few warn to be careful with the seated stretch, as you can tax the lower back.

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