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tarheeljks 08-05-2007 11:42 PM

Imagine Me and You
i saw this movie early fri morning on hbo and had mixed feelings about it. to anyone who has seen it-- what did you think?

i apologize if i posted this in the wrong forum or if it didn't deserve an entire thread.

MrWookie 08-06-2007 12:29 AM

Re: Imagine Me and You
Could you perhaps tell us a little more about what you thought to kick things off? Discussion of a particular movie is more than welcome here, but threads seldom prosper unless OP gives us a little more to talk about.

tarheeljks 08-06-2007 02:16 AM

Re: Imagine Me and You (long)
ok. the cliff notes version of the movie is that a long time couple ties the knot, but shortly thereafter the wife, Rachel becomes unhappy with her marriage b/c she has fallen in love with a woman named Luce who she met at her wedding (Luce designed the floral arrangements). the movie documents her mental struggle as she decides whether to be true to her husband Hek, whom she seems to love as a friend rather than a partner, or whether to become seriously involved with Luce. Luce decides that she cannot break up a marriage and Rachel decides that she cannot leave Hek in good conscience (i believe these decisions were independent, but i'm not 100% certain). however, Hek refuses to stand in the way of Rachel's invovlement and breaks off their marriage, afterwhich Rachel tracks down Luce and they live happily ever after, etc. etc.

one of my issues w/the movie was that Rachel's emotions for Hek shifted too quickly. prior to meeting Luce, she had no doubts about Hek being her soulmate, but in an instant that was erased. i think the scenario would have been more believable if her relationship w/Luce had been cultivated more, as opposed to being a love at first sight sort of deal (granted that would have made me dislike her even more).

i'm wondering what other poster's think about the following questions?

1) does the fact that Rachel was involved in a homosexual affair change your opinion of her? do you find it more difficult to empathize with her?

the fact that Rachel engaged in a homosexual affair did not affect my opinon of her. it was a bit of a red herring and i found it a little irksome b/c i felt like i was being trapped/forced into accepting it b/c it was a homosexual relationship. i didn't find it any more or less difficult to empathize w/her b/c the bottom line for me is infidelity = bad, so i spent most of the movie being pissed off at her.

2) do you find Hek's actions believable? if your significant other had a homosexual affair would it bother you more/less/the same than if he/she had a heterosexual affair?

i found his decision to let her go w/o a fight a little ridiculous, but i can let that go b/c it was supposed to be romantic and what not. i need to think about the second part to this question some more.

MrWookie 08-06-2007 02:48 AM

Re: Imagine Me and You (long)
Hmmmm. This is a much better post. Thanks. However, I can't really comment on the movie since I don't get HBO. Hopefully someone else in here did, though. I couldn't tell you if I'd rather my woman cheated on me with a man or with a woman. I'd have to think about that one. I haven't been cheated on ever, so that's a hard one for me to answer.

tarheeljks 08-06-2007 08:50 PM

Re: Imagine Me and You (long)
bump in hopes that someone else has seen this

pokah5 08-06-2007 10:57 PM

Re: Imagine Me and You (long)
when is it on again? i'll check it out and get back to you.

tarheeljks 08-06-2007 11:27 PM

Re: Imagine Me and You (long)

katyseagull 08-06-2007 11:37 PM

Re: Imagine Me and You (long)
I've never seen it but you did such a nice job describing it that I'm tempted to add it to my blockbuster queue. Looks like a fun movie to discuss.

tarheeljks 08-07-2007 12:00 AM

Re: Imagine Me and You (long)
great. also, i should add that i probably took this movie more seriously than i was supposed to/should have.

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