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Tinga 06-25-2007 03:37 PM

So long Tank, thanks for playing.
Because of this past weekends altercation in Arizona, Tank Johnson has been let go by the Bears. I am not surprised. He has received chance after chance, and basically threw them all back in managements face.

This was pretty much a slap in the face to his teammates, coaches, owners, fans that stood by him and supported him in his "turning around" period.

WTF Tank, how much leeway did you need? As a Bears fan, I am pissed that he will be leaving ... but I'm even more pissed that he continued to [censored] up, and throw his chances out the window with them.


Knowing his past, will another team pick him up, or is his career done?

jacksquat 06-25-2007 03:46 PM

Re: So long Tank, thanks for playing.
unfortunately, somebody will probably pick him up. happens all the time in pro sports. that's why these losers never get the message. the worst part of this whole ordeal is that his friend got caught up in the wake and is dead.

BUTNAHHHH 06-25-2007 03:57 PM

Re: So long Tank, thanks for playing. *DELETED*
Post deleted by MEbenhoe

Boris 06-25-2007 04:04 PM

Re: So long Tank, thanks for playing.
Never ceases to amaze me how these idiots likes Johnson and Jones can't keep their shyte together for even a few months. How effing hard is it to hire a taxi when you make millions?

tuq 06-25-2007 04:05 PM

Re: So long Tank, thanks for playing.

Can anyone tell me what if any of his salary is guaranteed? IIRC yearly salaries are never guaranteed but signing bonuses are on a prorated basis. As a result, will he still be paid any signing bonus going forward? Mostly I'm curious to see how much all of his screw-ups have cost him monetarily. Thanks.

Also, a much better subject line would have been "Tanks for playing".

bellytimber 06-25-2007 04:06 PM

Re: So long Tank, thanks for playing.
Enough was enough, glad the Bears dropped him.

Suigin406 06-25-2007 04:53 PM

Re: So long Tank, thanks for playing.
another [censored] idiot who doesn't get the message, hopefully goodell takes some action too and makes another example out of another moron...

kyleb 06-25-2007 04:57 PM

Re: So long Tank, thanks for playing.
another [censored] idiot who doesn't get the message, hopefully goodell takes some action too and makes another example out of another moron...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, I completely agree. I have been very happy with Goodell's heavy-handed beatings he's been giving out. The NFL is full of morons like this and it seriously cannot go on.

SL__72 06-25-2007 05:00 PM

Re: So long Tank, thanks for playing.
I thought the same thing as most of you at first, but after rereading what happened this seems kind of petty:

Sgt. Andrew Duncan, a police spokesman, said Johnson was arrested for "DUI Impaired to the Slightest Degree" but was released without being booked or charged.

Duncan said Johnson was taken to the Gilbert police station, where officials drew blood for a blood-alcohol content test before his release. He described Johnson as "very cooperative."

[/ QUOTE ]

The test results won't be back for about two weeks... you'd think they'd at least wait for that.

iron81 06-25-2007 05:11 PM

Re: So long Tank, thanks for playing.
The test results won't be back for about two weeks... you'd think they'd at least wait for that.

[/ QUOTE ]
There was a column in the Tribune yesterday saying that the mere fact that Johnson was out at 3:30 AM was almost as bad as any DUI. It suggested that Johnson hadn't learned anything from his jail sentence and that he hasn't changed. To be honest, I think the Bears might have cut him in response to that column.

Another column

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