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mattnxtc 06-25-2007 12:10 AM

Matts diet redo
I know have another thread but I wanted to start this to get focus solely on my diet.

I have come to the realization that I am sabotaging my own diet. I am looking to redo my diet.

My goals:
Cut 20lbs of fat especially around the midsection.
Eat as healthy as I can
Quit cheating.

My Day:
5:30 - Wake up
7:00 - Protein Drink, apple, whole grain cereal
9:00 - 2 servings of peanuts
11:00 - Meat (will vary from chicken, turkey, ham, etc..) Carrots/salad Protein drink
2:00 - 2-3 lite string cheese/ sugar free red bull
6:00 - Ham sandwich (preworkout)
8:00 - Meat/potato/rice/noodles/vegetables (will vary like lunch)
10:00 - Protein Drink
11:00 - Bed

Please critique this. I am wanting to make sure to keep my protein level well above 200grams. Carbs should be in control with this diet. I have not run the numbers yet but this should do good. I am going to be tryin to get a lot of green vegetables in this diet since those arent generally counted.

Thanks for the help

secretprankster 06-25-2007 11:25 AM

Re: Matts diet redo
You should flip-flop a few meals so that you're eating bigger earlier and less later. Outside of fruits and vegetables, I try to take in basically minimal carbs in my last 2 meals of each day. I'm not trying to lose 20 lbs though [img]/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

As an example here's what I ate yesterday:

11:40 - Metabolic Drive Bar, multivitamin, banana, 2 Flameout, peas, pineapple, spoonful natural peanut butter
1:40 - Surge
3:00 - Shake - cottage cheese, scoop Metabolic Drive, blueberries, almond butter, banana
5:15 - Ground beef, cherries, walnuts, salad w/ oil/vinegar, peppers, cauliflower
8:15 - 1 egg, 2 fish oil capsules, hazelnuts, strawberries, chicken breast + olive oil and mixed vegetables
11:30 - 2 flameout, cottage cheese/npb shake.

Jesus, typing that out was a chore. So I'm not really cutting, but its more of a guide of what I've been doing, while varying the amounts of food I eat. The unofficial "rules" I go by are:

-Very big breakfast, though generally have to eat again within 2-3 hours before I feel truly satiated.
-Fat/protein mix before bed always, no fruit before bed.
-Have a protein shake post workout, or whatever you have, but then eat a really big meal an hour or so later. I keep a virtually 99%+ clean kitchen so I pretty much grab whatever I see during that period.

So for you, I'd eliminate noodles/potatoes at night and move that up if you're going to have it at all. Get in more calories for breakfast and make the peanut snack a real meal with some eggs or cottage cheese.


mattnxtc 06-25-2007 11:41 AM

Re: Matts diet redo
WEll the problem I end up having is that I have to eat all my meals up until 6 at my office so I end up having to not have to fancy a meal.

The only real reason I have carbs at 6 and 8 is because of preworkout/postworkout meals which I try to make sure I have carbs for.

Thanks for the advice. I am still trying to get my snacks better so switchin out the peanuts for somethign else may be a good idea. I am tempted to do a peanut butter sandwhich for breakfast with the fruit/protein to get a bigger first meal.

secretprankster 06-25-2007 11:53 AM

Re: Matts diet redo
Oh I misread a little the first time. If the night carbs are PWO then it should be fine, as long as you don't go overboard.

Big Poppa Smurf 06-25-2007 05:00 PM

Re: Matts diet redo
I would say eat a little sooner after you get up and make sure you get fruits or veggies with every meal. Eating a cup of baby spinach at every meal you aren't currently getting veggies with (9, 2, 6, and 10) will help keep you full, and will add a little fiber and protein to your diet while providing a ridiculous amount of nutrients. You can blend it into your protein shakes too.

Also try to eat more at breakfast like prankster said, it helps keep you full throughout the day and makes getting all your calories easier (I sleep a lot and if I don't eat a lot early on I have to stuff myself before I go to sleep and it's annoying)

mattnxtc 06-25-2007 05:20 PM

Re: Matts diet redo
I agree. The reason for the long delay between wakeup and first meal is I have to jump on the local metro bus to get to work. I am going to make me a peanut butter sandwich in the morning for the ride to work so taht I can get my first food intake in at around 6:10ish.

Like I said earlier its a bit tough to get a lot of variet at the 9/2 meals because of sitting at my office desk during thsoe times.

Jetboy2 06-25-2007 06:30 PM

Re: Matts diet redo
I'm probably a banished one....but...

1. peanuts? Try walnuts or pecans instead.

"Aflatoxin — Peanuts are among the top three crops that are subject to infestation by molds that produce aflatoxin, a potent human carcinogen."


Big Poppa Smurf 06-25-2007 08:10 PM

Re: Matts diet redo

everything gives you cancer, who cares? I don't think most people are eating moldy peanuts anyway.


for the 9-2 meals, don't worry so much about variety. I would just plan out a meal that covers your nutritional goals and that you can eat everyday cheaply and easily and make the night before.

mattnxtc 06-25-2007 09:50 PM

Re: Matts diet redo
I will be adding spinach and apples into my meals starting tomorrow once I can get to the store.

Yeah I dont plan on eating moldy peanuts anytime soon so i wont stress to much about that one.

mattnxtc 07-01-2007 07:43 PM

Re: Matts diet redo
Updated this to catch some changes I am making in my diet:

My Day:
5:30 - Wake up
6:10 - 25mg ephedra, peanut butter sandwich (wheat bread)
7:00 - Protein Drink, apple/carrots, Omega 3-6-9 pills
9:00 - 1 serving walnuts
11:00 - Meat (will vary from chicken, turkey, ham, etc..) spinach
12:30 - protein drink
2:00 - 2-3 lite string cheese/green tea(maybe)
6:00 - preworkout ham sandwich
8:00 - Meat/potato/rice/noodles/vegetables (will vary like lunch), omega 3-6-9 pills
10:00 - Protein Drink
10:45 - Bed

The big change is I will be cycling 25mg of ephedra starting tomorrow. I will be doing a 5 days on 2 days off for 1 month or so and then re evaluate from there (basically all of July). I really need to get my carb level down and I am thinking of just having some scoops of peanut butter and no bread then.

What do yall think?

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