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IggyWH 06-16-2007 08:09 PM

10 Turnoffs That Make Good Guys Wave Goodbye
This is an article on Yahoo in their personal section. I usually end up reading these articles when they make the Yahoo frontpage and most are crap IMO, but I really liked this one.

10 Turnoffs That Make Good Guys Wave Goodbye

1)Misleading Maggie: Her profile says no kids, athletic and raking in the big bucks. The first date reveals two young kids, an extended waistline and unemployment checks.
Nothing says trust issues for a guy more than lies from the get-go

2)Insecure Ilene: She reads into every comment a guy makes. She wants to know right away if date #2 can be tomorrow. She asks you to call the minute you get home. This clingy nature screams of a potential needy girlfriend lacking independence.

3)Third-Degree Donna: The cross-examination begins before the menus arrive. The questions are coming fast and furious, and the guy begins to feel like the defendant on the stand in a criminal trial. If a guy feels stuck under the interrogation lights, he'll run for the hills.

4)Tardy Tina: She arrives late, she no-shows, she changes plans last-minute, she loses his number, she flat-out just doesn't respect a guy's time. Fashionably late is one thing; keeping a guy waiting 30 minutes or no-showing is unacceptable.

5)High-Maintenance Hilda: "Thanks for taking me to this nice restaurant, but couldn't you get a table by the window?" The feeling that nothing is ever good enough makes a guy quit trying to impress. A simple thank you for a nice dinner is a better way to go.

6)Chatterbox Charlene: The conversation doesn't have to be 50 percent talking and 50 percent listening, but if she does all the talking it feels more like a seminar than a date. Charlene's opposite cousin, Pulling Teeth Patricia, is equally unsettling, making the guy do all the work.

7)Still-Hurting Sally: First dates are notorious for spilling the beans on what went wrong with prior relationships. Sharing an amusing anecdote is good; making it clear you're not over your ex-boyfriend is a definite no-no.

8)Game Player Gina: "Maybe I'll kiss you goodnight, maybe I won't." Good guys like to know where they stand. They leave the game-playing for the sports field. There's nothing wrong with flirting, but just know when it crosses over into deception and confusion.

9)Conceited Colleen: "Any guy would be lucky to have me." Guess what, the great guy across the table is also a real catch. Stop assuming every guy doesn't deserve you, and then you'll be on your way to actually landing a good one.

10)Matrimony Maureen: He dips his egg roll in duck sauce when all of a sudden she spills the beans on what they should name their kids. Intense relationships can be exciting for a good guy, but walking down the aisle before you walk each other home for the first time is a turn-off.


How many of these chicks have you dated? I'm 10/10

Uglyowl 06-16-2007 08:21 PM

Re: 10 Turnoffs That Make Good Guys Wave Goodbye
These sound like Garbage Pail Kids:

bottomset 06-16-2007 08:46 PM

Re: 10 Turnoffs That Make Good Guys Wave Goodbye
These sound like Garbage Pail Kids:

[/ QUOTE ]

some of those are disgusting, a bunch are pretty funny

Kimbell175113 06-16-2007 09:04 PM

Re: 10 Turnoffs That Make Good Guys Wave Goodbye
4)Tardy Tina:

[/ QUOTE ]
I thought this was gonna be something else.

killsadie 06-16-2007 09:24 PM

Re: 10 Turnoffs That Make Good Guys Wave Goodbye
4)Tardy Tina:

[/ QUOTE ]
I thought this was gonna be something else.

[/ QUOTE ]

its not 10 turn ons.

Blarg 06-16-2007 09:27 PM

Re: 10 Turnoffs That Make Good Guys Wave Goodbye
Those are often fun to read, even when they are obvious or outright silly.

otnemem 06-16-2007 10:19 PM

Re: 10 Turnoffs That Make Good Guys Wave Goodbye
4)Tardy Tina:

[/ QUOTE ]
I thought this was gonna be something else.

[/ QUOTE ]

its not 10 turn ons.

[/ QUOTE ]
el oh el

ESnow 06-16-2007 11:25 PM

Re: 10 Turnoffs That Make Good Guys Wave Goodbye
11) Batshit Insane Bitch: She was raped, molested, slept with 350 guys, a meth addict, a recovered meth addict, an alcoholic, a recovering alcoholic, and a pothead. By the age of 15. Her head is such a scrambled mess that blowing her brains out with a shotgun with be a step towards organization. Guys have to take out the garbage twice a week as it is, they don't need to be in a relationship with a human full of it, too.

Nope. I'm not bitter.

Blarg 06-16-2007 11:32 PM

Re: 10 Turnoffs That Make Good Guys Wave Goodbye
11) Batshit Insane Bitch: She was raped, molested, slept with 350 guys, a meth addict, a recovered meth addict, an alcoholic, a recovering alcoholic, and a pothead. By the age of 15. Her head is such a scrambled mess that blowing her brains out with a shotgun with be a step towards organization. She was the only girl who would go out with me.

[/ QUOTE ]


NozeCandy 06-16-2007 11:49 PM

Re: 10 Turnoffs That Make Good Guys Wave Goodbye
I think numbers 1-100 involved the girl being fat or not attractive, but that might just be me.

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