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mattnxtc 04-04-2007 10:08 AM

Matts Log
I didnt really have any plans to do a log until I realized that I just dont know very much to be doing it on my own. So I write with some knowledge, but also opening it up to critique as I go along.

Some stats to start with:

Weight: 215-220
Height: 5'10"
Age: 23
Bench: around 275 (havent done a 1RM in a while but 5RM is around 250)
Squats: I dont generally squat but I was leg pressing 500 8-10 times)
Being a soccer player for all of HS and soccer I never did any of the full body lifts so I dont have any numbers for that.

Diet: (This stays fairly constant for me because of working full time)

7AM: 2 packages of Nature Valley Oats and Honey
1 bottle starbucks caramel coffee drink
1 Bottle Diet Berry Lipton Green Tea

11AM: Leftover dinner (grilled chicken, Porkchops...)
Vegetable (carrots, salad)
Sometimes reduced fat pringles
Dr. Pepper for Megavitamin and Omega 3 6 9

6PM Preworkout
Either a small ham sandwich or other small snacks

830PM Post workout
Dinner: Some meat,
Sides including: rice, potatos, noodles, etc..

10PM Casein Protien Drink with 1% Milk and a bottle of water

Asleep by 12 to get back up at 530

I do generally drink a good amount of water (around 1 gallon)

I was doing a split workout though I have switched this week to doing a full body workout that is done 3 times a week

Cardio: I have been recently tryin to do some HIIT workouts 2-3 times a week and am probably going add in some distance lower intensity cardio as well for off days

Goals: I want to lower my body fat and drop down to around 200lbs or less though keeping the strength levels that I am at though if I lose some of the max I am alright with that. No starting picture because I am at work. I may post one later though.

Final thoughts: I am an "in shape" 220 if you will. Most of the excess weight came from eating out and drinkin in college so i have the gut to get rid of.

qdmcg 04-04-2007 12:04 PM

Re: Matts Log
Would probably be good to try and get a few more hours of sleep per night, but I know that this can be really difficult (I only get 6.5-7 a night during my training season, and I'm 20 years old. I catch up on weekends but still generally feel pretty [censored]\tired by Thursdays, Fridays).

Also, I don't know how serious you are about this, but actually counting your calories can be very beneficial. I don't think I'd have any idea how much I was eating if I didn't keep track of everything.

mattnxtc 04-04-2007 12:40 PM

Re: Matts Log
I would love to get more sleep haha...Just this week I have made it a goal to be in bed by 1030 and asleep by 11-1115 but thats about the best I can do.

Average workday:
5:30AM: Alarm goes off to shower/get ready to be at Park and Ride for 6:07 bus to get to work by 7

4:45PM Grab this bus back to my car which generally gets me there at about 5:45

6:30PM drink my NO-explode have a small bite to eat and either on my way or at the gym.

8-8:30PM finish workout and get home to eat/shower/iron clothes, watch tv shows, and so forth

10PM: make casein drink/drink it catch up on daily show/colbert and get in bed/read a bit before 1115

Thats a pretty standard day for me. I generally only watch up the "The Word" on colbert and then turn that off even to do some reading and relax. One thing I will add is that my work schedule isnt standard. I work "9-80s" which amounts to M-Th workin 9 hrs a day, 1 Friday workin 8 hrs and getting the next Friday off... Its a sweet deal but really its closer to 11 hrs for me when u factor in bus rides back and forth. Hopefully pretty soon i can find a roommate so I can get an apartment closer to where I work but right now this is the best I can do room wise

I am thinkin of getting some ZMA to try to get a better nights sleep

I have alerady basically cut out poker from my life mainly b/c i just dont have tiem for it

edit: I have thought about counting calories though really I dont think i eat all that much to get me up to the level of needing to. The diet i posted is basically my m-f diet with really no changes b/c of how hectic my schedule is. Granted weekends can be a different story. My g/f does use a calorie counter site that she likes (she didnt liek fitday) so i may give that a try and see just how good/bad im doing

Thanks for the Qeustions/Suggestions

theblackkeys 04-04-2007 05:04 PM

Re: Matts Log
melatonin is a good over-the-counter sleep aid.

mattnxtc 04-04-2007 05:29 PM

Re: Matts Log
Yeah I was doing some sleep aids when I first started my job since i was going from college hrs to working hours but now its not that I cant fall asleep but that by the time I get all my stuff done its past 10 and then I just relax and read which puts me to sleep pretty fast.

mattnxtc 04-04-2007 09:49 PM

Re: Matts Log
<u>April 4th</u>

Breakfast: 2 Packages Nature Valley Honey and Oats (4bars)
1 Starbucks drink (store bought containers)
1 bottle diet lipton green tea with berry

Lunch: Grilled chicken and carrots with ranch dressing

Snack: 1 bag gardettos (I think I need to swap this out for something better...any suggestions for a preworkout snack)

---5 minute warmup on the elliptical---
Full body workout, 3 sets, 8 reps, 90 second rest
1. Incline DB bench (90s)
2. BB upright rows (95)
3. Front Squats (155)
4. Good Mornings (85)
5. Curl bar (90)
6. Skull Crushers (90)
---10 minute walk/jog to cool down---

Dinner: 2 1/2 homemade meatloaf balls (basically bacon cheese burger)

Before bed: Casein protein drink

edit: still workin on drinkin around a gallon of water though I will probably only get 1/2 to 3/4 a gallon

bluef0x 04-04-2007 10:35 PM

Re: Matts Log
Where's everyone getting their grilled chicken? [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

mattnxtc 04-05-2007 10:21 AM

Re: Matts Log
Where's everyone getting their grilled chicken? [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]

Well fortunately/unfortunately I moved back home for the first few months of my job to allow myself to build up some savings so I get her cooked meals which is why my lunch is always leftovers from the night before

thirddan 04-05-2007 01:12 PM

Re: Matts Log
huge bags of frozen boneless/skinless from costco or price club...much better quality and quantity then getting a bag of frozen from grocery store + george foreman grill...

mattnxtc 04-05-2007 01:16 PM

Re: Matts Log
lvoe the george foreman grill

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