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kidcolin 03-29-2007 07:33 PM

The Wall
So I'm currently in pretty putrid shape. I'm 5'9", I weigh 180, and I deal with a fair amount of aches and pains from leading the office life. I was at one time a good athlete. I used to weigh 155-160 when I was younger. Played all sports, blah blah blah it's the same old story you hear a jillion times. I'd like to get back to that, maybe more in the 160-165 range, and become much stronger in my upper body.

Anyway, on to my point. I currently eat pretty well, and I'm trying to exercise more. I think I'm going to join this gym.

Here's my dilemma, though. I hit a major wall, often right around 5 or 6 o'clock, everyday. I typically leave work anytime between 5 and 7 o'clock. If I become serious about this, I could work it so I start coming to work at 8 instead of 9 so I that I would usually leave work right at 5 (barring the occasional but unavoidable late nights). I find it difficult to motivate myself to do ANYTHING when this happens, even simple stuff like doing the dishes when I get home. So if I want to start working out right after work, I need a plan, otherwise I'll be throwing my money away.

How many of you experience this? How do you deal with it? Tips, tricks? All comments appreciated.

SmileyEH 03-29-2007 07:42 PM

Re: The Wall
Maybe take some sort of stimulant right before the end of the day. Cup of coffee or two, can of coke, red bull etc. Also, looks like you picked a great gym, taking the crossfit courses will be well worth it.

thirddan 03-29-2007 07:43 PM

Re: The Wall
um, how about don't be a pussy?

skunkworks 03-29-2007 07:46 PM

Re: The Wall

You should see me when I get off work at 5-5:30. My drive home is only 15 minutes, but some days when I haven't been eating great or getting enough sleep, I'll drift asleep while waiting at intersections. Once I get home, I'll dick around on my computer until I get hungry enough to peel my ass off my seat.

In the past month or two though, I've discovered the joy of well-timed stimulants used in moderation: Monster Lo-Carb energy drinks. When I don't feel like I have enough energy or motivation to work out, I'll slam 3/4ths a can and then eat something light (banana, milk, etc). This usually gives me more than enough energy to finish up my day strong.

Typically, I loathe to rely on something like that to get me going (ex-smoker FTW), but if it makes the difference between working out or getting fat on the computer, how can I really object? I assuage my guilt by only doing this when work beats the [censored] out of me; if I'm feeling good after work, I'll head straight to the gym sans stimulants. I figure that using it sporadically will help it keep its effectiveness.

kerowo 03-29-2007 07:48 PM

Re: The Wall
um, how about don't be a pussy?

[/ QUOTE ]

Ahh yoot.

Find a gym on the way home from work and go there from work before going home.

kidcolin 03-29-2007 07:52 PM

Re: The Wall
Awesome TD. Cuz it's not like people never deal with this thing.


Thanks.. coffee might not be a bad idea. I used to drink a TON of coke and now generally avoid it. I was curious if just plain diet might have something to do with it. When I'm on top of my eating, I generally eat: 3/4ths cups of oatmeal in the morning (w/ raisins), some OJ and milk. I drink coffee when I get to work. 8 ozs of yogurt ~11 a.m. For lunch it's a salad and some deli meat (chicken or turkey). Afternoon snacks include fruit (an apple, banana, or both. I've read bananas make you sleepy) and a Clif bar. Lots of water too. That's my food intake before leaving work. Too little? Not enough of something?

Has anyone tried 5 hour energy? Thoughts? I hear their ads on the radio quite a bit and they make it sound awesome but who knows.

kidcolin 03-29-2007 07:54 PM

Re: The Wall

Good thoughts. I too try like hell to avoid stimulants (other than the morning coffee, but mostly I just love coffee). I've never been into red bull or monster, but your suggestion has merit.

thirddan 03-29-2007 08:00 PM

Re: The Wall
meh, whatever...your post made it seem like you werent motivated to go to the gym, if you aren't motivated to go to the gym no amount of coffee or spike or crack will force you to go when you could just go home and go to sleep or watch tv...

skunkworks 03-29-2007 08:09 PM

Re: The Wall
thirddan, not everyone can starve themselves and still work out like you [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

Ultimately, you want to feel good about working out and have it become part of your ritual, because making workouts a conscious decision rather than routine allows you to come up with all sorts of BS excuses not to go. At least my own mind is tricky like that.

kidcolin 03-29-2007 08:11 PM

Re: The Wall
Not sure where you got that from, at all. it's not about motivation.. it's about having energy right when I leave work. Whenever you're in that energy rut it's tough to do anything. You're yawning, your mind's wandering. It's exactly like what skunk alluded to.

For a while I was just doing long runs and push ups/crunches and had no problem sticking to that, but I'd often do it later at night after I got home, ate, and got my energy back up. With the gym that's not an option, as it's not open then, nor is it optimal. I'll be going right after work. I just know I've got a tendency to be tired then, I'm sure others have experienced the same thing, and I asked for some ideas.

Oh the humanity.

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